Sol Work Offerings

Energy Work Sessions

Energy Medicine

• Chakra Clearing & Energy Release

• Reconnect, Re-Balance & Repair Energy Field

• Light Code Heart Radiance Activation

 Crystal Bowl Sound Healing


1 hour | $110

Quantum Energy Healing

• Chakra Clearing & Energy Release

• Reconnect, Re-Balance & Repair Energy Field

• Sol Retrival & Timeline Resolution

• Light Code Full Body Radiance Activation

• Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

1.5 – 2 hours  | $185


Journey Work is a guided shamanic meditation practice facilitated to find answers within your inner cosmos, to assist you on your personal journey.

Discover answers & totems that can help you through life circumstances. Journey Work can help focalize where energetic healing might be needed. Every session is different depending on your needs. Sol Retrivals are recieved upon request to mend fragmented aspects of Self.

1hr. Group Session  |  $30

1 hr. Private Sesssion | $80 

Creative Vision Quest

• Guided Journey Work

• Sol Retrieval 

• Sound Healing

• Creative Expression Exercise (Art / Dance / Writing)

2 hrs. Group Session | $65

1.5 – 2 hrs. Private Session | $220

Journey  Together


Intuitive, Spiritual & Practical Guidance can help elevate and motivate you to make small shifts for a greater purpose.

Gain clear insight on how to enhance your wellbeing or shift life circumstances, to align with your most rewarding path.

This is full spectrum, whole body mind and soul healing + integration (creative exploration) that combines all my offerings over a series of months that best supports your journey.

:: Dive Deeper with a Free Clarity Call ::

Receive a FREE Energy Clearing Guide

This is a FREE guide to help clear your energy or any possible entity attachments on a multidimensional level. As my gift to you. Bless

View Portfolio of Visions

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