
I am dedicated to being a part of the solution here on Earth. No matter what issue we face, it can all be resolved with returning back to the source of love. When we can reorient ourselves to have LOVE be at the core of all that we do, then we will walk the path of miracles and our actions become blessings. I am here to help humanity come back into balance and rediscover their true divinity.

My mission here is to help inspire and guide those that are ready to make a beneficial shift in their lives. Through my coaching, I am committed to creating a safe, peaceful, and loving container for people to heal, transform and step into the timeline of their higher self, so that we may be best equipped to transform this planet together. As an artist, I pierce the veil of possibility and paint visions of metaphysical realms inspired by meditations, journey work or direct downloads from source. It is an act of love for me to paint, and I hope that my paintings assist with the expanding of consciousness and activate a sense of profound understanding of life, beyond this dimension.

I hold the vision of humanity living in balance with our planet and one another. I envision cultivating a world where the power of love overcomes the love of power. Where our existence is beneficial to our environment, not detrimental. Where our co-existence is harmonic. Together we are designing our collective reality and it’s time to be mindful of that. I choose to put my energy towards building a better future. One where we thrive and uplift each other.

Bestowed with the natural gifts of healing and clairvoyance, I extend my offerings to support others in Wholistic Wellness & Life Coaching. I am here to help activate change for the sake of true wellness & vitality; on a spiritual, emotional, energetic & physical level. My offerings include Regenerative Energy Work, Journey Work, Guided Meditation, Therapeutic Art Sessions, Blessed Henna Tattooing, Multi-Media Design, Wholistic Lifestyle Coaching, and more. 



Jade is a powerful Healer, Creative Intuitive, Eco-Visionary and Coach. She has gained much of her wisdom through empathetic awareness and a distinct experiential connection to Source, Divine Creator. Jade is Clairivoyant, Clariaudient, Clarisentient. She has independently studied holistic health and wellness for over 5 years, including vitalism herbalism. Her gifts as a healer were initiated in 2011 and inherited through her family lineage. Her gifts of healing and her intimate connection with divine creator are reflected in her artwork for those to experience as a visual journey.

Though much of Jade’s interest is in Wholistic Wellness & Healings Arts, she has a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Arts & Design, which she has used to work independently with change makers & those in alignment with a sacred mission, seeking visual representation. Her artwork and paintings express her experiences of perceiving beyond the veil, which has served as her personal medicine for deep healing and growth.

In early 2023 Jade launched a podcast called “Wholistic Mama” where she shares the wisdom of her initiation and journey through Motherhood to Mamas and Papas interested in conscious parenting and the alternatives to conventional birthing and raising children without creating trauma.

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